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What assets are needed for a Redeploy line item

Subject: The subject line of the email campaign. This can vary from the original send if specified by the partner. 

  • Read about subject line best practices here 

From: The name of the advertiser the campaign is being sent from.

  • Please note the From line of an email should not be an email address!

Send Date: The date on which the Redeploy will be set live.

Send Time: The time of day the email will be sent, including AM or PM.

Send Time Zone: The time zone from which the email is sent.

Total Email Quantity: 

  • For redeploys, you will enter “Openers from __” and list the Email Campaign Name of the original send. For information on who we can send redeploy emails to, please see the following article: Email Redeploy Options and FAQs 

Geo: This information must stay the same as the original send.

Audience: This information must stay the same as the original send.

Test Seed List: A list of email addresses provided by the partner for individuals who will be included in test sends.

Live Seed List *if different than test list: Some partners prefer to include or exclude certain email addresses from the test send, and specify that they should only receive the approved campaign.

Creative: Attach either the creative from the original send, or a different creative if so requested by the partner.

Preview Text: *an additional call to open and is optional: if this was used in the original send, apply it to the Redeploy, as well (unless otherwise instructed.)

CTURL with UTMs: A Landing page link with an included UTM, unless the creative is provided in the form of an HTML or zip file.