Email Redeploy Options and FAQs

Listed below are our three email redeploy options. Along with answers to frequently asked questions and an overview of our redeployment capabilities.

*** A standard redeploy is to the openers of the original send. If you want a different strategy, please notify your campaign manager in the line item.

Redeploy Options:

  • Redeploy to Opens: This option sends the email to recipients who opened the initial email.
  • Redeploy to Non-Opens: This option sends the email to recipients who did not open the initial email.
  • Redeploy to Full Send List: This option sends the email to the entire original list of recipients, regardless of whether they opened the initial email or not.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  • Can I redeploy to clicks only?
    • Yes, this is uncommon but can be done! Please request this in the line item.
  • Can we send a redeploy campaign to those who opened but did not click?
    • Yes, this is uncommon but can be done! Please request this in the line item.
  • Can we redeploy to multiple invoices as one order?
    • Yes, however, all initial sends must have the same audience and geographic targets.
  • Can we redeploy to a portion of the opens?
    • Yes, we will need the cap amount provided before we can set the redeploy live. 
  • Can I change the audience or geo for a redeploy?
    • No, the targeting must stay the same as the original send.
  • When should I send a redeploy? 
    • We recommend 8-10 days following the original send as we typically see data start to finalize 7 days after deployment but it can take up to 10 days. 
  • How far back am I able to request a redeploy?
    • We can go back up to 6 months. Keep in mind that a redeploy is meant to maintain engagement after the initial send.