Line Item Pacing by Product

Learn which products and which pacing metrics belong together.

Not all pacing metrics will work for all products. You may see zeroes or blank metrics for certain metrics based on the product for your line item. Below is a table to help you navigate which metrics are best for which products. 


Products Pacing Metrics 

Programmatic Products

(e.g. Display, PreRoll, Streaming TV, DID, Native, Alt Network, Streaming Audio, etc.)

Impressions, CTR, Ordered Impressions, Impression Pace

SEM Products 

Ordered Ad Spend, Projected Spend, Spend Pace
Social Products  Ordered Ad Spend, Projected Spend, Spend Pace
YouTube Products Ordered Views, View Pace


To understand how to access line item pacing, please follow the instructions found within our How to View Line Item Pace document.