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Facebook and Instagram Specifications

The accepted Facebook and Instagram specs depend on what tier your campaign falls under.

Your campaign’s monthly ad spend level will dictate what tier your campaign is in, what creative ad formats you have access to, and the total number of creatives we will run. Below is a breakout by tier: 

Tier 4

Tier 3

Tier 2

Tier 1

Max. Creatives Total

Max. Creatives Total

Max. Creatives Total

10+ Creatives Allowed

(Suggestion to run Dynamic Ads)

Single Image

Single Image

Single Image

Single Image















Dynamic Ads

Dynamic Ads



Dynamic Retargeting

Dynamic Retargeting




Collection / Instant Experience

Single Image - an ad with a single image displayed

Image Specs:

  • File format: JPG or PNG
  • Recommended Image Size: 1080x1080 pixels or 1200x628 pixels

  • Recommended Image Ratio: 1:1

  • The image must contain little to no overlaid text

Copy Specs:

  • Ad Text: this goes at the top of your ad.  125-character limit (including spaces)

  • Headline: this goes under the image in bold. 27-character limit (including spaces)

  • Description: this goes under the headline.  30-character limit (including spaces)

  • Click through URL: where the image will click through to.

  • Display Link (optional): the URL will be displayed under your description.

Single Video - an ad with a single video displayed

Video Specs:

  • File format: .mp4 or .mov

  • Recommended Length: 15 seconds (240 minutes maximum)

  • Recommended Aspect Ratio: 9:16 to 16:9

  • Resolution: highest resolution video available that meets file size and ratio limits

  • File Size: 4 GB max

  • Sound and captions are optional, but recommended.

Copy Specs:

  • Ad Text: this goes at the top of your ad. 125-character limit (including spaces)

  • Headline: this goes under the image in bold. 27-character limit (including spaces)

  • Description: this goes under the headline. 30-character limit (including spaces)

  • Click through URL: where the image will click through to.

  • Display Link (optional): the URL will be displayed under your description.

Carousel - an ad with 2 to 10 scrollable images or videos


  • File Type: 

    • Image: JPG or PNG

    • Video: .mp4 or .mov

  • File Restrictions:

    • Maximum image file size: 30MB

    • Maximum video file size: 4GB

    • Maximum video length: 240 minutes

  • Size Recommendations:

    • Resolution: at least 1080x1080 pixels

    • Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (square)

  • Images must contain little to no overlaid text

Copy Specs: 

  • Ad Text: this goes at the top of your ad. 80-character limit (including spaces)

  • Headline: this goes under the image in bold. 45-character limit (including spaces)

  • Description: this goes under the headline. 18-character limit (including spaces)

  • Click through URL: where the image will click through to.

  • “See More URL”: this will be the URL you want to send users after they have scrolled through all of the images in the Carousel

Slideshow - create a video ad out of images

Image Specs:

  • Use high-resolution images or a video file to create a slideshow
  • Recommend Aspect Ratio: widescreen 16:9
  • 50 seconds max
  • Slideshows will loop

Copy Specs:

  • Ad Text: this goes at the top of your ad. 80-character limit (including spaces)

  • Headline: this goes under the image in bold. 45-character limit (including spaces)

  • Description: this goes under the headline. 18-character limit (including spaces)

  • Click through URL: where the image will click through to.

  • Display Link (optional): the URL will be displayed under your description.

Dynamic Ads -  Dynamic ads allow Facebook to find the creative that works best for your campaign goal. You will provide multiple ad components and Facebook will optimize to the best-performing combination.

Image & Video Specs:

  • See Above for Single Image or Single Video Ad specs

Copy Specs:

  • Ad Text: this goes at the top of your ad. 125-character limit (including spaces)

  • Headline: this goes under the image in bold. 25-character limit (including spaces)

  • Button: call to action
  • Click through URL: where the image will click through to.
  • Captions: (Optional) Text to overlay the image. 
    • If an ad set is using dynamic ads, no other ad format can be used within that ad set. We can use multiple ad sets per campaign. We suggest providing 2-4 components (for example: 2 images, 2 headlines, 2 descriptions, etc.)

See Instagram-specific creative specs HERE.


REMINDER: Our creative service team can create social and social carousel ads. Please look at our creative service products article to see all the creative products we offer and how to submit an order to our team.