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What is Under Review within Proposals?

A guided walk through on navigating an under review Proposal

Geofencing, Email, and Specialized campaigns have a different process than other products. Due to the nature and complexity of these campaigns, the AdCellerant team will need to approve these campaigns to ensure custom targeting and forecasting are the most up-to-date. 

  • Submitting For Review
  • AdCellerant Internal Review Process
  • Viewing Order Status and Making Changes
  • Finalizing Proposal

Submitting For Review

When adding a Geofencing, Email, or Specialized campaign to your proposal, you will notice a “Submit For Review” button at the bottom of your screen. Once all minimums and required fields on the campaign have been, you will be able to submit this campaign for review. 


If you are adding more than one Geofencing, Email, or Specialized campaign, do not submit for review until all have been added to the proposal.

Once you submit for review, you will receive a popup that outlines everything in the proposal which is being submitted for review. Anything under the “Internal Review Needed” section will be sent to the AdCellerant team for approval. If any changes need to be made to these campaigns after submitted, you will need to reach out to your contact at AdCellerant.

Any other campaigns which do not need approval will be “Approved” and can still be edited while the remaining campaigns are awaiting approval.



AdCellerant Internal Review Process

Once you submit a campaign for approval, it will automatically generate a ticket to the AdCellerant team. The AdCellerant team will then review the campaigns to ensure targeting forecasts are in line with your budget and ordered impressions


On Campaign Hub, any proposal which is under review will have the above clipboard icon. You can select this icon to see more details on the underlying campaigns which are under review. This detail icon will also include a link that will allow you to access the ticket submitted to the operations team. If any changes need to be made or if you have any questions, you can reach out to the AdCellerant team using this link.

You may receive questions from the AdCellerant team during this time. Once it is approved, you will receive an email update on your ticket.

Viewing Order Status and Making Changes

While your proposal is Under Review, you will see an “Under Review” status associated with your proposal.


During this time, external users will not be able to make changes to the campaigns that are under review. However, they can make changes to other campaigns within the proposal or add additional campaigns that do not require approval. The AdCellerant team can update proposals that are under review if updates need to be made. When you open up a proposal and go to edit or add, you will see a “Save Progress” button at the bottom of the screen. You can also still generate a PDF of the entire proposal, you will see a disclaimer that it is still under review.

Once the AdCellerant Team approves your proposal, you will see the status of your proposal change to one of the two below

  • Draft - If you added any additional campaigns to your proposal which have not met the minimum requirements, the proposal status will be “Draft” and you will need to make the necessary updates in order to finalize the proposal 
  • Ready For Sale - If all underlying campaigns have met the minimum requirements, the status will go to Ready For Sale and can be submitted as an order. You can still make changes to the proposal if it is Ready For Sale.

Finalizing Proposal

Once your proposal is approved by the AdCellerant team and you go to view or edit your proposal, you will now see the below options available. 

The Save Progress button can be used regardless of proposal status, it will update any changes you made and is available if you have not met minimum requirements.

If all required fields and minimums are met, you will see the “Finalize Proposal”. If you are missing any fields, this will be unavailable. Clicking “Finalize Proposal” will change your proposal which is in “Draft” status to “Ready For Sale”. If your proposal is already Ready For Sale, no changes will be made to the proposal status.

You can generate your PDF at any point during this process. A disclaimer will show if the proposal is still under review and will be removed once the proposal is approved.
