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What is the Advertiser's view on Reporting?

An overview of the new Advertiser view in Ui.Marketing reporting

Advertiser View reporting will allow users to view aggregated metrics of their campaign performance across all products an advertiser runs. This report will give a high-level overview of the fulfillment of their orders and allow them to view more granular metrics per product.

How to load an advertiser-level report

To access this report, please follow the below steps

  1. Click on the report's header
  2. Choose your appropriate partner, division, the advertiser
  3. The report should automatically load 

Snapshot report

The snapshot report metrics will include data for all campaigns an advertiser runs. Please note that not all data may be shown here as every product has different reporting abilities. For example, if an advertiser runs both display and video campaigns, only the video campaign metrics will aggregate into a completion rate metric.

The snapshot component also contains period over period reporting, which compares the current time frame versus the previous time frame. Click here to learn more about PoP reporting. 

Data by Timeframe

The data by time frame chart will show the metrics across a set time frame. Depending on your viewing date rangeewing, you can break out the metrics across a day or week.  

Use the dropdowns to adjust the data points to compare, and hover over the dots to see the exact daily metrics.

Conversion Pipeline

The conversion pipeline chart will show how your impressions turned into clicks which eventually turned into conversions. Please note that if the advertiser does not have any conversions, then this chart will not show.

Product Breakout

At the bottom of the advertiser report, you can see a breakout of the different products the advertiser is running. Each product box will hold its metrics, and you can select the click-out button at the top right to open up that product-specific report in a new tab.

Sharing the report

Users can share this information via the shareable link or the PDF. A modal will appear when clicking either the shareable link or PDF button at the top right. You have the ability to customize your sharable link and reporting PDF. Any checked boxes will be included. To hide an item, de-select the checkbox items, removing the chart and the metrics from the report. To learn more about customizing your report, please click HERE for further instructions.