Streaming Audio Specs
See below for the accepted Streaming Audio specifications.
Streaming Audio:
File Format: .MP3, .M4A, .WAV
Bitrate: 192 kbps minimum
Note: we cannot encode third-party files lower than the rate at which they are set
Max. File Size: 500MB
Preferred Third-Party File Type: VAST 2.0.
Include both .MP3 and .OGG file types in your tag. While an .OGG file type should not be used for first-party hosted audio, it should be included in your VAST/DAAST tag.
Available Spot Length: 15 seconds or 30 seconds (60 seconds also available, but not recommended)
Companion Banner File Types:
300x250 ad size
150 kb maximum file size
Prohibited Audio Characteristics
Audio ads may NOT have the following:
Promote online gambling (paid, free, or gateway to paid gambling; brick-and-mortar gambling is acceptable)
Depict or deliver libelous, violent, tasteless, hate, defamatory, or illegal content
Portray partial or complete nudity, pornography, and/or adult themes and obscene content
Spawn pops, simulate clicks, contain malicious code, viruses, or executable files of any kind
No explicit language, spelling mistakes, or simulated expletives (e.g., #$%!)
Publisher Specifications for 3rd party tags
a2x by Triton Digital:
Suggested Bitrate: 128 kbps
Preferred Third-Party File Type: .MP3, .WAV, .WMA, or .OGG
Available Spot Length: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, or 60 seconds
Companion Banner File Types: .JPEG, .PNG, .GIF
Companion Banner Tracking: While tracking on the audio ad should only be done using a 1x1 pixel, tracking on the companion banner can be done using either an image pixel or a JavaScript tag
Adswizz (AudioMax)
For Pandora inventory delivered through AdsWizz, AdsWizz specifications do not apply.
Suggested Bitrate: 196 kbps
Preferred Third-Party File Type: .MP3, .WAV, .OGG, or .ACC
Available Spot Length: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, or 60 seconds
Companion Banner File Types: .JPEG, .GIF, .HTML
Companion Banner Tracking:
Adswizz (AudioMax), supports JavaScript or rich media (such as Flash) in addition to HTML
Companion banners must be hosted on The Trade Desk, have a maximum file size of 2 MB, and tracking can be done using an impression pixel
Companion Banner Sizes
For Spotify and Pandora, third-party audio creatives must use third-party companion banners, which can be placed via a third-party VAST tag. Supported sizes for audio companion creatives (when offered by a publisher). The delivery of companion banners is not guaranteed but will be supplied to the SSP and publisher when bidding.
Most of TTD's audio publishers accept bitrates between 128-196kbps. There may be a few outliers, but the DSP guides setting the bitrate to at least 160kbps for maximum scale. When audio creatives are TTD hosted, they can encode the bitrate down to the publisher’s specifications. For example, if a publisher’s required bitrate is 160kbps and the creative is 320kpbs, they’ll encode down to that requirement. The DSP cannot do this for third-party hosted creatives.
If you are interested in running on different publishers (like iHeart and Spotify) simultaneously, as long as the creative is hosted, you can supply a 320kbps creative, and the DSP can encode it down to Spotify’s specs.