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How can I share a report?

An overview for generating the reporting shareable link

The new reporting dashboard has a shareable link option. The shareable link will allow users to copy a link to their clipboard which they can share with other people that do not have access to the reporting dashboard. This is a great alternative to downloading the PDF, as users who have the link can make date adjustments and view the entire reporting dashboard easily. The shareable link will not expose any extra information to the end-user than you intended and will not allow them to navigate outside of this report to other areas of the website.

How to generate a shareable link

  • Click the "link" button on the top right corner of the report.
  • Once you click the button, a modal will appear. Users can customize the report by checking charts and graphs. Selected items will show on the shareable link, unselected items will be hidden. Click here to learn more about customizing the shareable link. 
  • Once the selections are made, you can either highlight and copy the URL or click "copy link" to have the URL automatically copied to your clipboard/computer.
  • Paste and send the link to anyone you would like or paste the link into the URL tab to preview what the link will show.

All the selections on the report page will be added to the shareable link. The date range, product, advertiser, campaign, or ad group selected will be what's shared on the link. 

Sharing multiple product types

  • To share multiple products on one shareable link, users will need to share on the advertiser level.
  • Once the shareable link button is selected, the report the user is currently on will be selected by default. 
  • To share more than one product, check the boxes for the other product(s) and click confirm. From there, the link will be generated.

Please note users can only customize the charts and graphs if one product is selected. If more than one product is being shared, users cannot customize the individual charts/graphs that show. In addition, sharing multiple products is only allowed at the advertiser level. If you share a campaign or ad group report, you will not be able to select multiple media types.

Click here to learn more about customizing the shareable link.

What Shows on the Shared Report

For the most part, the shared link looks just like the main report page. 

  • Users can view components on the report and toggle to different data points on the same components.
    • Users will only be able to view the components that were selected in the modal.
  • Users can update the date range (see more below)
  • Users can download the report into a PDF.
  • Users cannot view the sidebar, meaning they cannot change the product chosen. 

Updating the date range

The date range selected when the report is shared will be the default date range on the shared report. However, users viewing the shared report can update the date range to any dates they like and the report will re-load accordingly.

  • Clicking on either the start or end date will open the calendar picker
  • Once the new dates are selected, the report will automatically reload with that date range data.

Interacting with the Performance Chart

The performance by campaign chart is interactable, the same way it is in the main reporting page. Meaning, that users can click into a campaign or ad group and re-load the report for that campaign or ad group's data. 

  • If an advertiser's report is shared, users can click into an underlying campaign and the entire report will reload for that campaign's data.
  • If a campaign report is shared, users can click into an underlying ad group and the entire report will reload for that ad group's data.
  • We will not expose more data than what is shared with the users. Meaning, that users cannot go back to a "higher level" of data that was not shared with them.
    • For example, if a campaign report was shared, users viewing the shareable link will not be able to go up and view an advertiser's data. They will only be able to view the campaign data or click down on a specific ad group.

Report Breadcrumbs

  • The reporting hierarchy, otherwise known as breadcrumbs, will tell users the advertiser, campaign, and ad group they are viewing on the shareable report.
  • If users click into the performance table (more information above) the hierarchy will populate with the campaign or ad group name they clicked into. 
  • Users can use the breadcrumbs to navigate backwards
    • For example, if a user viewing the shareable link used the performance table to click all the way down to an ad group, they can click on the advertiser or campaign name to go back to that report view. 
    • Users cannot click back to a higher level than what was originally shared with them.

Shareable Link FAQs

  1. Does the shareable link expire? No, it does not. The link can be used for as long as you would like and will update with new data daily. Users can share the link once, and constantly update the date ranges on the shareable link to see the most recent data.
  2. What gets added to the shareable link? All of the reporting components users select in the modal when they copy the shareable link will be added to the shared report. The shared report will allow users to update the date range however they cannot change the product or advertiser that was shared with them. 
  3. Who can view the shareable link? Anyone! You do not need to log in to view the shareable link.
  4. Can the link be re-shared? Yes. If a user on the shareable link updates the date range or clicks into a campaign or ad group, the shareable link URL updates. They will just need to copy the URL from the browser and this link can be shared with others with the newly updated parameters.