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Placing Static Pixels on Button Clicks

How to Place a Static Pixel on Button Clicks

In regards to placing a pixel on a button click, we can provide the client with the elements they need to place it, however, we are not able to troubleshoot the placement of the pixel. To be fully transparent, there is coding that must be done on the client's end in order for it to fire. We cannot assist with this coding and can only let the partner/client know if the pixel is firing or not, regardless of where it is placed. 

Two options for placement:

  1. The client/partner can place the pixel on a button through Google Tag Manager (GTM).

  2. If the client is not using GTM, the client/partner will need to place the static pixel directly on the site. Before placing, the client's web manager will insert the tracking tag source URL (src=) into the document.write function to place directly on the button click:

This is an example of a tracking tag as it is normally placed on a web page:

<img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//"/>