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How to Place a Universal Pixel

How to Place a Display Universal Pixel

We recommend that the client places the pixel on the backend of the website anywhere that will get pushed to every subpage of a URL. The footer template is usually constant across all pages, allowing the pixel to gather the most data.



             Pixel Code

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The pixel may also be placed in a Google Tag Manager (GTM) by selecting "Custom HTML" as the tag type, and setting the firing triggers to "All Pages".

Occasionally a universal pixel may not work correctly due to a variety of factors, so do not hesitate to get in touch with us to help troubleshoot pixel placement and we will recommend a course of action.

Let us know once the pixel is placed so we can test it and confirm that we are collecting data.

Common Issues

  • 3rd party websites (such as ticketing or submission form vendors) will generally need a static image pixel instead of a universal pixel. In these cases, we will provide a universal pixel to be used for site retargeting and a static image pixel to be provided to the 3rd party website so we can track conversions.
  • Websites that do not support javascript will not be able to use a universal pixel. In those cases, we will provide a static image pixel instead.
  • Website addresses ending in .aspx will almost always require a static image pixel.
  • Websites that do support javascript but are based on custom-built websites (instead of templated sites such as WordPress, etc), may not be compatible with the universal pixel. In those cases, we can usually resolve the issue by providing a static pixel.
  • For WordPress and other templated sites, the advertiser may have placed the pixel but forgotten to push the new code to their site, so it's best practice to confirm with them that they performed that last step (very easy to forget!)
Please note that pixel implementation, testing, and confirmation period can run from two days to several weeks based on elements in and out of our control. We always recommend that you try and have the pixel placed, tested, and confirmed a few days prior to the start of any campaign.

Also, please remember that the client is responsible for letting us know if there were any changes made to their website and/or pixel placement. We will verify pixel placement at the beginning of a campaign, but we will require notification from the customer if any changes are made.