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How to Place a Static Pixel

How to Place a Static Display Pixel

In some cases, you may not be able to place a javascript or universal tag. This usually occurs on ticketing websites or third-party sites your advertiser uses. In this case, you will need us to generate a static pixel. 

This pixel must be placed on the specified URL or user action, such as ticket purchase. This cannot be placed in a universal footer since this is a very basic image pixel and can only track one URL or action at a time.

Best practice is to place the static pixel in between the body tags on your website, and as high in the body as possible; <body> and </body>. 

If you want to track revenue, please request a static pixel. Our team will provide you with a pixel that has some additional code in it to be able to track revenue on our end. 

There is an additional step that the advertiser needs to adjust in the code before placing it. You will get a code similar to this: 

<img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//{SaleAmount}&vf=USD"/>

The advertiser must adjust the “{SaleAmount}” macro to whatever macro that site uses to track sales/revenue. If using a vendor, please reach out to them to ask what this macro is. 

Here are some articles to reference when needing assistance on how to place the static pixel on a third-party sites:

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact your campaign manager to help troubleshoot. 

We do not accept liability if any issues occur when following these instructions to place the pixel. These are to be used as a guide on how to place the pixel in different scenarios. You may use them at your own risk.