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Flagging FAQ

Flags are a way to mark any line items that need attention so users can quickly find line items that have action items or reminders to revisit later.

What do the flags mean?

  • Red flags alert you to line items that need attention in order to launch or continue to run. This helps you quickly find line items that you need to take action on or remind you that this line item needs to be revisited later.
  • When a user responds to a ticket, the line item is automatically flagged so that our operations team knows that it needs attention.

What do the Flagging Reasons Mean?

  • Missing Information – The campaign needs more information from you before it can launch or continue.
  • Missing Access – Access to an account (such as Google or Facebook) must be provided before the campaign can launch or continue.
  • Pending Approval – Part of this campaign needs your approval before the campaign can launch or continue.
  • Awaiting Response – Someone from your company has sent in a message about this campaign and is awaiting a response from a Ui.Marketing campaign manager.