Facebook Restricted Targeting
As of August 2022, Facebook updated its guidelines and no longer allows users to create custom audiences for advertisers who fall under the following 3 categories: Housing, Employment, or Credit.
If a Facebook advertiser falls under Housing, Employment, or Credit, we cannot implement specific audience targeting to the campaign (i.e. demographic or behavioral targeting).
Below are some examples for each category:
Accounting | Credit Sesame | Health & wellness | MarketWatch | Renewable energy |
Acting | Credit card balance transfer | Higher education | Marketing | Renovation |
Advertising | Credit card interest | Holiday Cottage | Marketing communications | Rent-to-own |
Advertising agency | Credit cards | Home | Marketing strategy | Rent.com |
Affiliate marketing | Credit history | Home Appliances | Mathematics | Renters' insurance |
Agriculture | Credit limit | Home automation | Mechanical engineering | Renting |
Air conditioning | Credit score in the United States | Home Business | Medicine | Residential area |
Analytics | Credit union | Home construction | Metalworking | Retail banking |
Apartment | Cryptocurrency | Home equity | Microcredit | Return on investment |
Apartment Guide | Custom home | Home equity line of credit | Mobile banking | Reverse mortgage |
Apartment List | Customer relationship management | Home equity loan | Mobile home | Roommate |
Apartments.com | Customer service | Home Improvement | Modern architecture | SUVs |
Application for employment | Customer support | Home Insurance | Money | Sales |
Apprenticeship | Data Science | Home repair | Money management | Sales management |
Architecture | Data security | Homeowner association | Mortgage broker | Saving |
Architecture & Design | Day trading | Homes.com | Mortgage calculator | Savings account |
Artificial intelligence | Debit card | Hospitality | Mortgage Insurance | Science |
Asset management | Delivery (commerce) | House | Mortgage loans | Secured loan |
Audit | Dentistry | House Hunting | Motivation | Security |
Automation | Deposit account | Housing.com | Motor vehicle | Security (finance) |
Automobile repair shop | Design | Human resource management | Motorcycles | Sedan (automobile) |
Automobiles | Digital Marketing | Human resources | Moving company | Self-employment |
Automotive industry | Digital wallet | Hybrids | Multi-level marketing | Semi-detached |
Balance transfer | Discounting | Income tax | Multiple listing service | Semi-trailer truck |
Bank account | Dog training | Independent insurance agent | Mutual fund | Share (finance) |
Banking | Driver's license | Industry | Nonprofit organization | Shift work |
Bathroom | Duplex (building) | Information security | Office | Single-family detached home |
Bedroom | Dwelling | Information technology | Office Space | Small Business Administration |
Biology | E-commerce | Installment loan | Online advertising | Small and medium enterprises |
Biotechnology | Economics | Insurance | Online banking | Small business |
Bitcoin | Economy | Insurance broker | Owner-occupier | Small office/home office |
Bookkeeping | Education | Insurance policy | Part-time | Social media |
Branch (banking) | Electric vehicle | Interest rate | Payment | Social media marketing |
Broker | Electrical engineering | Interior Design Ideas | Peer-to-peer lending | Social science |
Budget | Electricity | Interior architecture | Penthouse apartment | Software development |
Building | Electronics | Interior design | Performing arts | Software engineering |
Building material | Email marketing | Interior design magazine | Personal development | Solar energy |
Bungalow | Employment | Internship | Personal Finance | Solar power |
Business | Employment agency | Investing online | Philanthropy | Sports car |
Business administration | Employment website | Investment | Photography | Starter home |
Business development | Energy | Investment banking | Physics | Startup Company |
Business travel | Engineering | Investment fund | Plumbing | Stock |
Buy to let | Entertainment | Investment management | Pre-qualification (lending) | Stock exchange |
Call center | Entrepreneurship | Investment strategy | Prefabricated home | Stock market |
Car dealership | Entry-level job | Investor | Premier Agent - Zillow & Trulia | Supply chain management |
Car Finance | Environmentalism | JavaScript | Private Equity | Sustainability |
Car rentals | Epidemiology | Job | Product design | Swimming pool |
Career | Estate (land) | Job fair | Product management | Systems engineering |
Career development | Estate agent | Job hunting | Professional | Technical support |
Cars | Experian | Job interview | Professional development | Technology |
Cars.com | FHA insured loan | Journalism | Programming language | Telecommunication |
Cash | Kitchen | Project management | Telecommuting | |
Cash-out refinancing | Facebook Messenger | Land | Promotion (marketing) | Telemarketing |
Cashback reward program | Facility management | Land and Houses | Property | Temporary work |
Charitable organization | Finance | Land lot | Property finder | Term loan |
Chemistry | Financial market | Landed property | Property management | Terraced house |
Civil service | Financial plan | Landlord | Psychology | Timeshare |
Coaching | Financial services | Landscape | Public relations | Townhouse |
Commercial property | First-time buyer | Landscaping | Public sector | Trade |
Communication | First-time home buyer grant | Law | Public transport | Training |
Commuting | Fixer-upper | Leadership | Quality assurance | Trucks |
Computer engineering | Floor plan | Lease | RVs | Trulia |
Computer programming | Foodservice | Life insurance | Real Estate Agent Directory | Urban planning |
Computer science | For sale by owner | Line of credit | Real estate | Used car |
Computer security | Foreign exchange market | Real estate appraisal | Vacation rental | |
Computing | Four-wheel drive | Living room | Real estate broker | Vehicle insurance |
Condominium | Franchising | Loan | Real estate development | Vehicles |
Connected Investors | Freelancer | Loan Officer | Real estate economics | Veterinary medicine |
Construction | Fundraising | Log cabin | Real estate entrepreneur | Villa |
Consumer Reports | Furniture | Logistics | Real estate investing | Visual arts |
Consumer debt | Garage (residential) | Luxury real estate | Real estate investment club | Vocational education |
Consumer electronics | Gastronomy | Luxury vehicle | Real estate investment trust | Volunteering |
Corporation | Gated community | Machine learning | Real estate license | Warehouse |
Cottage | General contractor | Management | Real property | Wealth management |
Craigslist | Government debt | Mansion | Realtor.com Pro | Web design |
Creative real estate investing | Graphic design | Manufactured Housing | Recruitment | Web development |
Credit (finance) | Grocery store | Manufacturing | Refinancing | Web hosting |
Credit Karma | Hatchback | Market (economics) | Remortgage | |
Zillow | Working capital | |||
Accounting | Credit card balance transfer | Higher education | Marketing | Renovation |
Acting | Credit card interest | Holiday cottage | Marketing communications | Rent-to-own |
Advertising | Credit cards | Home | Marketing strategy | Rent.com |
Advertising agency | Credit history | Home Appliances | Mathematics | Renters' insurance |
Affiliate marketing | Credit limit | Home automation | Mechanical engineering | Renting |
Agriculture | Credit score in the United States | Home business | Medicine | Residential area |
Air conditioning | Credit union | Home construction | Metalworking | Retail banking |
Analytics | Cryptocurrency | Home equity | Microcredit | Return on investment |
Apartment | Custom home | Home equity line of credit | Mobile banking | Reverse mortgage |
Apartment Guide | Customer relationship management | Home equity loan | Mobile home | Roommate |
Apartment List | Customer service | Home Improvement | Modern architecture | SUVs |
Apartments.com | Customer support | Home Insurance | Money | Sales |
Application for employment | Data Science | Home repair | Money management | Sales management |
Apprenticeship | Data security | Homeowner association | Mortgage broker | Saving |
Architecture | Day trading | Homes.com | Mortgage calculator | Savings account |
Architecture & Design | Debit card | Hospitality | Mortgage Insurance | Science |
Artificial intelligence | Delivery (commerce) | House | Mortgage loans | Secured loan |
Asset management | Dentistry | House Hunting | Motivation | Security |
Audit | Deposit account | Housing.com | Motor vehicle | Security (finance) |
Automation | Design | Human resource management | Motorcycles | Sedan (automobile) |
Automobile repair shop | Digital Marketing | Human resources | Moving company | Self-employment |
Automobiles | Digital wallet | Hybrids | Multi-level marketing | Semi-detached |
Automotive industry | Discounting | Income tax | Multiple listing service | Semi-trailer truck |
Balance transfer | Dog training | Independent insurance agent | Mutual fund | Share (finance) |
Bank account | Driver's license | Industry | Nonprofit organization | Shift work |
Banking | Duplex (building) | Information security | Office | Single-family detached home |
Bathroom | Dwelling | Information technology | Office Space | Small Business Administration |
Bedroom | E-commerce | Installment loan | Online advertising | Small and medium enterprises |
Biology | Economics | Insurance | Online banking | Small business |
Biotechnology | Economy | Insurance broker | Owner-occupier | Small office/home office |
Bitcoin | Education | Insurance policy | Part-time | Social media |
Bookkeeping | Electric vehicle | Interest rate | Payment | Social media marketing |
Branch (banking) | Electrical engineering | Interior Design Ideas | Peer-to-peer lending | Social science |
Broker | Electricity | Interior architecture | Penthouse apartment | Software development |
Budget | Electronics | Interior design | Performing arts | Software engineering |
Building | Email marketing | Interior design magazine | Personal development | Solar energy |
Building material | Employment | Internship | Personal Finance | Solar power |
Bungalow | Employment agency | Investing online | Philanthropy | Sports car |
Business | Employment website | Investment | Photography | Starter home |
Business administration | Energy | Investment banking | Physics | Startup Company |
Business development | Engineering | Investment fund | Plumbing | Stock |
Business travel | Entertainment | Investment management | Pre-qualification (lending) | Stock exchange |
Buy to let | Entrepreneurship | Investment strategy | Prefabricated home | Stock market |
Call center | Entry-level job | Investor | Premier Agent - Zillow & Trulia | Supply chain management |
Car dealership | Environmentalism | JavaScript | Private Equity | Sustainability |
Car Finance | Epidemiology | Job | Product design | Swimming pool |
Car rentals | Estate (land) | Job fair | Product management | Systems engineering |
Career | Estate agent | Job hunting | Professional | Technical support |
Career development | Experian | Job interview | Professional development | Technology |
Cars | FHA insured loan | Journalism | Programming language | Telecommunication |
Cash | Kitchen | Project management | Telecommuting | |
Cash-out refinancing | Facebook Messenger | Land | Promotion (marketing) | Telemarketing |
Cashback reward program | Facility management | Land and Houses | Property | Temporary work |
Charitable organization | Finance | Land lot | Property finder | Term loan |
Chemistry | Financial market | Landed property | Property management | Terraced house |
Civil service | Financial plan | Landlord | Psychology | Timeshare |
Coaching | Financial services | Landscape | Public relations | Townhouse |
Commercial property | First-time buyer | Landscaping | Public sector | Trade |
Communication | First-time home buyer grant | Law | Public transport | Training |
Commuting | Fixer-upper | Leadership | Quality assurance | Trucks |
Computer engineering | Floor plan | Lease | RVs | Trulia |
Computer programming | Foodservice | Life insurance | Real Estate Agent Directory | Urban planning |
Computer science | For sale by owner | Line of credit | Real estate | Used car |
Computer security | Foreign exchange market | Real estate appraisal | Vacation rental | |
Computing | Four-wheel drive | Living room | Real estate broker | Vehicle insurance |
Condominium | Franchising | Loan | Real estate development | Vehicles |
Connected Investors | Freelancer | Loan Officer | Real estate economics | Veterinary medicine |
Construction | Fundraising | Log cabin | Real estate entrepreneur | Villa |
Consumer Reports | Furniture | Logistics | Real estate investing | Visual arts |
Consumer debt | Garage (residential) | Luxury real estate | Real estate investment club | Vocational education |
Consumer electronics | Gastronomy | Luxury vehicle | Real estate investment trust | Volunteering |
Corporation | Gated community | Machine learning | Real estate license | Warehouse |
Cottage | General contractor | Management | Real property | Wealth management |
Craigslist | Government debt | Mansion | Realtor.com Pro | Web design |
Creative real estate investing | Graphic design | Manufactured Housing | Recruitment | Web development |
Credit (finance) | Grocery store | Manufacturing | Refinancing | Web hosting |
Credit Karma | Hatchback | Market (economics) | Remortgage | |
Credit Sesame | Health & wellness | MarketWatch | Renewable energy | Working capital |
Zillow |
Accounting | Credit card balance transfer | Higher education | Marketing | Renovation |
Acting | Credit card interest | Holiday cottage | Marketing communications | Rent-to-own |
Advertising | Credit cards | Home | Marketing strategy | Rent.com |
Advertising agency | Credit history | Home Appliances | Mathematics | Renters' insurance |
Affiliate marketing | Credit limit | Home automation | Mechanical engineering | Renting |
Agriculture | Credit score in the United States | Home business | Medicine | Residential area |
Air conditioning | Credit union | Home construction | Metalworking | Retail banking |
Analytics | Cryptocurrency | Home equity | Microcredit | Return on investment |
Apartment | Custom home | Home equity line of credit | Mobile banking | Reverse mortgage |
Apartment Guide | Customer relationship management | Home equity loan | Mobile home | Roommate |
Apartment List | Customer service | Home improvement | Modern architecture | SUVs |
Apartments.com | Customer support | Home insurance | Money | Sales |
Application for employment | Data science | Home repair | Money management | Sales management |
Apprenticeship | Data security | Homeowner association | Mortgage broker | Saving |
Architecture | Day trading | Homes.com | Mortgage calculator | Savings account |
Architecture & Design | Debit card | Hospitality | Mortgage insurance | Science |
Artificial intelligence | Delivery (commerce) | House | Mortgage loans | Secured loan |
Asset management | Dentistry | House Hunting | Motivation | Security |
Audit | Deposit account | Housing.com | Motor vehicle | Security (finance) |
Automation | Design | Human resource management | Motorcycles | Sedan (automobile) |
Automobile repair shop | Digital marketing | Human resources | Moving company | Self-employment |
Automobiles | Digital wallet | Hybrids | Multi-level marketing | Semi-detached |
Automotive industry | Discounting | Income tax | Multiple listing service | Semi-trailer truck |
Balance transfer | Dog training | Independent insurance agent | Mutual fund | Share (finance) |
Bank account | Driver's license | Industry | Nonprofit organization | Shift work |
Banking | Duplex (building) | Information security | Office | Single-family detached home |
Bathroom | Dwelling | Information technology | Office Space | Small Business Administration |
Bedroom | E-commerce | Installment loan | Online advertising | Small and medium enterprises |
Biology | Economics | Insurance | Online banking | Small business |
Biotechnology | Economy | Insurance broker | Owner-occupier | Small office/home office |
Bitcoin | Education | Insurance policy | Part-time | Social media |
Bookkeeping | Electric vehicle | Interest rate | Payment | Social media marketing |
Branch (banking) | Electrical engineering | Interior Design Ideas | Peer-to-peer lending | Social science |
Broker | Electricity | Interior architecture | Penthouse apartment | Software development |
Budget | Electronics | Interior design | Performing arts | Software engineering |
Building | Email marketing | Interior design magazine | Personal development | Solar energy |
Building material | Employment | Internship | Personal finance | Solar power |
Bungalow | Employment agency | Investing online | Philanthropy | Sports car |
Business | Employment website | Investment | Photography | Starter home |
Business administration | Energy | Investment banking | Physics | Startup company |
Business development | Engineering | Investment fund | Plumbing | Stock |
Business travel | Entertainment | Investment management | Pre-qualification (lending) | Stock exchange |
Buy to let | Entrepreneurship | Investment strategy | Prefabricated home | Stock market |
Call centre | Entry-level job | Investor | Premier Agent - Zillow & Trulia | Supply chain management |
Car dealership | Environmentalism | JavaScript | Private equity | Sustainability |
Car finance | Epidemiology | Job | Product design | Swimming pool |
Car rentals | Estate (land) | Job fair | Product management | Systems engineering |
Career | Estate agent | Job hunting | Professional | Technical support |
Career development | Experian | Job interview | Professional development | Technology |
Cars | FHA insured loan | Journalism | Programming language | Telecommunication |
Cash | Kitchen | Project management | Telecommuting | |
Cash out refinancing | Facebook Messenger | Land | Promotion (marketing) | Telemarketing |
Cashback reward program | Facility management | Land and Houses | Property | Temporary work |
Charitable organization | Finance | Land lot | Property finder | Term loan |
Chemistry | Financial market | Landed property | Property management | Terraced house |
Civil service | Financial plan | Landlord | Psychology | Timeshare |
Coaching | Financial services | Landscape | Public relations | Townhouse |
Commercial property | First-time buyer | Landscaping | Public sector | Trade |
Communication | First-time home buyer grant | Law | Public transport | Training |
Commuting | Fixer-upper | Leadership | Quality assurance | Trucks |
Computer engineering | Floor plan | Lease | RVs | Trulia |
Computer programming | Foodservice | Life insurance | Real Estate Agent Directory | Urban planning |
Computer science | For sale by owner | Line of credit | Real estate | Used car |
Computer security | Foreign exchange market | Real estate appraisal | Vacation rental | |
Computing | Four-wheel drive | Living room | Real estate broker | Vehicle insurance |
Condominium | Franchising | Loan | Real estate development | Vehicles |
Connected Investors | Freelancer | Loan officer | Real estate economics | Veterinary medicine |
Construction | Fundraising | Log cabin | Real estate entrepreneur | Villa |
Consumer Reports | Furniture | Logistics | Real estate investing | Visual arts |
Consumer debt | Garage (residential) | Luxury real estate | Real estate investment club | Vocational education |
Consumer electronics | Gastronomy | Luxury vehicle | Real estate investment trust | Volunteering |
Corporation | Gated community | Machine learning | Real estate license | Warehouse |
Cottage | General contractor | Management | Real property | Wealth management |
Craigslist | Government debt | Mansion | Realtor.com Pro | Web design |
Creative real estate investing | Graphic design | Manufactured housing | Recruitment | Web development |
Credit (finance) | Grocery store | Manufacturing | Refinancing | Web hosting |
Credit Karma | Hatchback | Market (economics) | Remortgage | |
Credit Sesame | Health & wellness | MarketWatch | Renewable energy | Working capital |
Zillow |