How Do I Access Email Reporting?

An overview of how to access email reporting within Ui.Marketing

Email Reporting Charts



The Snapshot Chart will show a high-level overview and summary of all the advertiser's email campaigns.

For email, you will see Impressions (aka "Sends"), Opens, Open Rate, Clicks, CTR, and Clicks-To-Open rate. 

Please note the Snapshot data can be shown or hidden in the shareable link and PDF.

Performance by Campaign

email performance by campaign chart

The performance by campaign table can be viewed on the advertiser level and shows how the underlying email campaigns under that advertiser are performing. Only the campaigns for the selected product will show, and the columns displayed will change based on the product selected. 

For email, you will see Campaign Name, Subject Line, Send Date, Impressions (Sends), Opens, Open Rate, Clicks, CTR, and Click-To-Open rate.

Creative Preview and Link Performance 

email creative and links chart

When you click on a specific email campaign, we display the email creative that was used, with numbers on top of the creative which correlate to the Link Performance chart to the right of the creative preview. The number on the email creative will show you where the link was located and then you can match it to the number on the link performance chart to see how many clicks that specific link received.