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Email Campaign Process

A general summation of our email send process which covers the process of gathering details, testing, approval and reporting.

Gather Details Expectations

  1. Following submission of an order, our team gathers and confirms the order details provided. We will follow up to confirm receipt of an order submission within 24 business hours of submission.
  2. In accordance with our business rules, we cannot always guarantee same-day orders or within 24 hours of the scheduled live send. We aim to have all details gathered and confirmed within 2-3 business days prior to the scheduled launch date and time.
  3. Our team will check the General, Allocations, Assets, Locations and Targeting tabs within Ui.Marketing to confirm details for testing.
    1. General tab: Send Time with Time Zone, From Line, Subject Line, Preheader (Preview Line), CTURLs and the test seed list. 
      1. NOTE: Live seed lists can also be included here, if needed.
    2. Allocations tab: Start/launch date and impressions (amount of emails to send)
    3. Assets tab: Creative files, geo files, exclusion/suppression list, etc.
      1. NOTE: If the provided creative file is an image file (.jpg, .png, .pdf, etc.) our team will create a UTM in order for the creative to gather tracking information, if a click-through URL (CTURL) with UTM is not already provided.
    4. Locations tab: CSV file containing geo data (zip codes, cities, DMAs, etc.)
    5. Targeting: Audience information


  1. Our team will reach out for any missing order details if they are not all provided at the time of submission. 
  2. All official correspondence with our Email Team is conducted through the Ui.Marketing Messaging tab for the respective line item order.

Test Phase Expectations

  1. When all order details are provided at time of submission
    1. Our team will list out the provided details and include them in our test email.
    2. Any edits, updates and/or changes can be made and requested through the line item messaging tab.
    3. Once a test email has been processed and sent out, we will notify that it has been dispersed to the provided test seed list and will await any feedback or approval.
  2. If some, but not all information is provided
    1. Our team will list out the provided details and label the missing order details as ‘PENDING’ within our follow up response.
    2. The line item’s messaging tab will be monitored and updated accordingly as we receive pending order details.
    3. Once all order details are provided, the test email will be established and dispersed to the provided test seed list. We will then notify that it has been dispersed and await any feedback or approval.
  3. We will continue to monitor the line item order for any updates, questions, follow-ups and general correspondence regarding the order.
    1. It is common for parties to experience some loading issues with test emails. Refer to this troubleshooting article if you are encountering any challenges.
    2. Please do NOT forward test emails to fellow colleagues or client team members who are not included on the provided test or live seed lists as this frequently causes loading issues for test emails. 
      1. NOTE: Regularly clearing your Google Chrome, or respective browser’s, image and file cache usually ensures that test emails load properly for all parties. This is one of the quickest troubleshooting tips we can provide.

Approval Phase Expectations

  1. Our team aims to have orders tested and approved at least 2-3 business days prior to the scheduled launch date. We recognize that this isn’t always feasible, but this allows for all parties to have ample time to review test emails, provide feedback and approve emails within a timely manner.
  2. We understand that approval may involve additional parties and any email sends that miss the original send date. We ask that in those instances that an updated launch date and time be provided by your team.
    1. NOTE: Any ASAP delivery orders must be confirmed and will be sent out at our team’s earliest availability.
  3. When approval is received and confirmed, we will set the email send for its live launch to the provided date and time.

Reporting Phase Expectations

  1. Our team will provide the live reporting link 2-3 business days following the live email send and the line item status will be switched to complete.
  2. If the reporting link is desired prior to the 2-3 business day window, we can accommodate that request, but please be aware that the metrics of that email send will fluctuate as email sends typically see consumer interaction within 8 days of delivery.
  3. Any follow up questions regarding the email send will be responded to within the line item as needed.