Below are an outline of standard support requests, how to submit them, and turnaround times
Data Ingests
If you are seeing data missing from a report or from PACE, the support team may need to re-request your data. "Re-ingests" are common tickets submitted to the support team by users which can be needed due to a number of reasons. Depending on how far back the data is missing, the turnaround time for a data ingest can vary.
- Please allow 3-5 days for data more than one month of missing data
- Please allow up to 3 days for data within a month from the current date
Before submitting a ticket, please check the below and include any findings on the request
- Does the campaign have the correct refIds?
- Does the campaign have the correct product selected (refId)?
- Did you check to see if there are duplicate campaigns with data?
Data Moves
Data Moves are used to move divisions, customers, orders, campaigns or ad groups to a new location. When the support team runs a data move, it will bring down the system which limits the time these can be run. If the campaign that needs to be moved has been running for a month or less, we will delete and rebuild the campaign.
Please expect about a week's turnaround time on all data moves.
Example data move requests:
- Move Divison to new Partner
- Move Customer to a new Division
- Moving Order to a New Customer
- Move Campaign to new Order
- Move Adgroup to a new Campaign
When submitting a support ticket, please include the name and link of the specific division, customer, order, campaign, ad group that needs to be moved, and the name of the destination location.